





世界之最 英文

急求。。。。。世界之最10个,用英语的THE ...EST!谢谢


Exploring the World's Superlatives in English: Unveiling Remarkable Feats

Tallest Building: Burj Khalifa。

Standing tall amidst the vibrant skyline of Dubai,the Burj Khalifa holds the prestigious title ofthe world's tallest building. Its breathtaking height of 828 metersshowcases the pinnacle of是建筑艺术委员会

Longest River: Nile River。

Africa Flowing through the heart ofthe Nile River reigns as the longest River on Earth stretching an impressive 6,650 kilometers. Itswaters have sustained civilizations for millennia,shaping the landscape and culture of the region。

The Largest Desert: Sahara Desert。

Spanning vast expanses across North Africa,the Sahara Desert is renowned as the largest hot Desert globally covering an astonishing area ofover 9 million square kilometers. Its golden dunes and arid landscapes evoke a sense ofawe andwonder。

深海海洋:太平洋Ocean's Mariana Trench

Hidden beneath the depths of the Pacific Ocean lies the Mariana Trench,Descending to a staggeringdepth of 10,984 meters,it stands as a testament to the profound mysteries of the ocean floor。

The Oldest Civilizations: Mesopotamia and Egypt

Amidst the sands of time . the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt stand as enduringWithroots dating back over 5,000 years,these civilizations laid the foundation for modern society。

The Most Spoken Language: Mandarin Chinese

With a billion speakers worldwide Mandarin Chinese holds the esteemed title of the most spokenlanguage on the planet. Its rich history and culturalsignificance resonate across diversecommunities globally。

The Fastest Land Animal: Cheetah

the cheetah is revered as the fastest land animal capable of reaching speeds of up to 75 miles perhour. Its sleek physique and unmatched agility make it a symbol ofspeed and grace in the animalkingdom。

Brightest Star: Sirius。

Twinkling brightly in the night sky, Sirius,also known as the Dog Star,shines as the brightest Star visible from Earth. Located in theconstellation Canis Major,its luminous glow has captivated stargazers for centuries。

亚洲Largest Continent

Stretching from the icy tundra of Siberia to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asiacontinent of Asia holds the distinction of being the largest landmass on Earth. Its diverselandscapes and culturesoffer a tapestry of experiences for travelers and explorers alike。

The Most Populous City:东京

Nestled amidst the bustling streets of Japan,kyo stands as the most populous city in the world,with over 37 million residents in itsmetropolitan area. its dynamic blend of tradition and modernity makes ita vibranthub of culture and商业利益。

This article celebrates the extraordinary achievements and wonders of our world,from toweringskyscrapers to ancient civilizations, showcasing the diversity and magnificence of our planet。


1.The Great Wall is The longest Wall in The world. 6. The fastest plane is in The USA。

2. The highest mountain is The mount everest。

3.The giraffe is The tallest land animal. 8.The longest river is The nile。

4.The fastest boat is in australia. 9.The tallest snowman was 22 meters。

5.The fastest fish is The sailfish. 10.The biggest animal is The blue whale。

世界之最 英文

polar bears are the largest bears in the world

bule whales are the largest animals in the world

急求。。。。。世界之最10个,用英语的THE ...EST!谢谢

Brazil plateau is the biggest plateau in the world


Andes Mountains is the longest and narrowest sierra in the world


Amazon River is the current capacity most River in the world


Nile River is the most perpetual flow in the world


超级ior lake is the biggest fresh water lake in the world


ican is the smallest country in the world


Monaco is the density biggest country in the world


南方非洲是世界上最大的gold most country


Swift is the fastest bird in the world


Lake Baikal is the biggest Lake in the world


Sahara Desert is The largest Desert in The world


Everest is the highest peaks in world



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